
FAQs – WorldsAcross

How to start

Our programs

The online classes

Learning with WorldsAcross

Why WorldsAcross?

About Google Meet

How to start

I just signed up. What should I do now?

The first thing you need to do after signing up is to book your first class. You will receive a confirmation email with all the details you need to attend the class: Date, time and meeting link. The event will also be booked on your Google Calendar. If you need to reschedule this meeting you can cancel the class you had booked and book a new one.

Our programs

What is the difference between the All Access and the Premium Membership?

With the Premium Membership you can enjoy unlimited 1-on-1 classes, while the All access allows up to 15 1-on-1 classes per month. Both packages include all the group sessions available and as for the coach, the Premium Membership has unlimited coach meetings, while the All Access offers 2 coach meetings per month. Lastly, only the Premium Membership offers the monthly Progress Report. If you need more information about the packages you can click here.

Can I just try the service without buying a membership?

You can try our service for free for the first 8 days of your subscription. We will not charge you anything until then. After your free trial ends, you will be charged the amount of the subscription you selected when you logged in.

The online classes 

What are the 1-on-1 classes like?

Our 1-on-1 classes take place via Google Meet. You can choose any of our available tutors and have a class about grammar, practice reading exercises, listening comprehension or just to practice conversation. Our tutors are qualified and trained to get you engaged in the class and teach you in the way you learn best!

What are the group sessions like?

Group sessions are not classes. Our group sessions are designed to identify and develop other parts of the language, such as the non-verbal communication, gestures, getting structures by concepts and relationship between words and sounds. It is the perfect complement to actually live the language.

Will I be able to book my own classes?

Of course! You can use our platform to book any teacher you want, according to your schedule. However,  if you need any help with the bookings or you want someone to set you up with the tutors that adapt better to your needs, your coach can handle it for you.

What are the tutors like?

The WorldsAcross tutor has a thorough knowledge of the Spanish language, including pedagogical strategies and of course grammar. It is also in their profile to be empathetic, have effective communication skills, and be able to understand, actively listen and adapt to the needs of each student. At WorldsAcross you can rest assured that your learning is in good hands. Every day we work to improve and guarantee the best and most effective language learning experience.

Learning with WorldsAcross

How long until I’m fluent in Spanish?

Becoming fluent is all about enjoying the journey and that is exactly what we aim to achieve together. The time it takes you to become fluent depends on the time you’re willing to dedicate to your Spanish-learning process, however, a rookie without any experience learning Spanish could reach a communication level dedicating 6 hours a week in just 3 months.

What are the benefits of having a coach?

Having a coach that is committed to your specific process will guarantee better results. The coach will design a learning program that fits your interests and goals, placing you in our RoadMap so you know exactly where you are standing and what you have ahead. The coach will also recommend activities and help your tutors align with your interests in order to achieve the objectives.

Is the coaching also included in the All Access Membership?

The coaching system is included in both plans. While the Premium membership allows as many meetings with your coach as you need, the All Access membership will get you two meetings per month.

What is the RoadMap?

Is a map divided by levels that indicates the language content and competences that a student should develop in each of the levels. Everytime the competences are achieved the Coach will move the pin to locate the student where they are.

Is there a specific curriculum for students to follow?

Absolutely! We designed our own curriculum specifically to achieve the most effective acquisition of the Spanish language. We also have other resources in our Digital Library such as exercises, vocab lists, videos and much more!

What is the progress report? 

Monthly, you will be able to track your progress with a performance report using metrics that will show your actual progress and the next steps of your learning path, all designed by the WorldsAcross learning specialists.

Why WorldsAcross?

Why is WorldsAcross better than any other platform?

We rely on our Living the Language method, that goes beyond teaching grammatical structures. In our classes you will be able to immerse yourself in the Spanish language, the Hispanic culture variations; and in other aspects that will allow  you to relate them to your own daily experiences.

In many Spanish courses, you start and continue your process almost in isolation, however in WorldsAcross you have a guide, your Coach, who will monitor your progress and the achievement of your goals.

You will always be aware of where you are and where you are going because you can see it in the Progress Report and the RoadMap provided by your Coach.

Another very important aspect is that you can adjust your classes to your schedule, regardless of the plan you choose.

In WorldsAcross we have native tutors from different parts of the world and they are fully trained in teaching Spanish, as well as in effective communication skills, also promoting the values ​​that characterize us such as respect, responsibility and cultural diversity.

Last but not least, you will always find in any person who is part of our team “human quality” so feel free to ask whatever you want, especially  if you plan to travel to Latin America, we are here to advise you on whatever is within our reach.

About Google Meet

Can I use Google without a Gmail account?

You don’t need a Google Account to participate in Meet video meetings. However, if you don’t have a Google Account, the meeting organizer or someone from the organization must grant you access to the meeting. If you are not signed into a Google or Gmail account, you cannot join using your mobile device.

Do I need to download Google Meet to join a meeting?

Guests can join from their computer using any modern web browser—no software to install. On mobile devices, you can join from the Google Meet app.

How do I join a Google Meet video call?

From the WorldsAcross platform you can join the call just by clicking “Join class”. A Google Meet window will open and the tutor will let you in at the time of the class.