
Ready to Start Learning Spanish?

Forget the myth that it’s “too late” to learn a new language. With our native Spanish-speaking tutors, you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish in just 60 minutes. And the best part? Your class is completely free — no credit card needed.

learning Spanish

Why is it free? What's the catch?

We want you to experience the value of WorldsAcross firsthand. There’s no catch—just an opportunity for you to enjoy a free class and help spread the word about your experience with others!

What to do next?

1- Book Your Free Class:

After signing up, you’ll be able to schedule your session with one of our native tutors.

2- Meet Your Tutor:

You’ll be connected with a tutor who will customize your class based on your language level and goals.

3- Start Learning Spanish:

Your tutor will help you practice real-world conversation skills and gain confidence in speaking Spanish.

Cassandra Osornio

Age: 35

Yesenia Contreras

Age: 31

Estefania Checa

Age: 27

Victor Nieto

Age: 27

Pilar Maurinio

Age: 26

Jhon Anderson

Age: 26

Brigiht Duarte

Age: 33

Milagros Nieto

Age: 52

Jose Avendaño

Age: 34

What You’ll Get in Your Free Spanish Class:

Excellence, Passion, and Dedication in Every Lesson

  • Native Spanish-Speaking Tutor
    Your class will be taught by a professional, native Spanish speaker who knows exactly how to guide you to success.
  • Customized to Your Level and Interests
    Whether you’re an absolute beginner or already know a bit of Spanish, the class will be tailored to your language level and personal preferences.
  • 60-Minute One-on-One Lesson
    You’ll get a full hour of personalized instruction, designed to help you practice speaking, listening, and understanding in real time.
  • Convenient and Accessible
    Take your class from anywhere—your smartphone, tablet, or computer—via Google Meet. No complicated software needed.

Ready to Start Learning Spanish?

Take Your Free Class Today! is completely free—no credit card needed.